Learning guitar scales: Defining modes by intervals

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Modes are just variations of the major scale, each notes of the major scale represents the root note of a mode, because of this; modes can be identified using intervals. So if we want to identify what mode is played, we can see the intervals in it or follow the concept whole and half step.

So lets go back to our seven modes:

Ionian (The same as the Major scale)

Dorian (The same as Aeolian but with a raised 6th)

Phrygian (The same as Aeolian but with a b2nd)

Lydian (The same as Ionian but with a #4th)

Mixolydian (The same as Ionian but with a b7th)

Aeolian (The same as the Natural Minor)

Locrian (The same as Phrygian but with a b5th)

Note: This is how are different modes related to each other but you can also set the major scale or the Ionian mode as your reference to all of them.

The major scale is the base in learning guitar scales because all other scales goes back to the major scale, even modes are simple variation of the major scale.

You're may be asking what's the use of modes when we know the major scale, well they have a lot of impact on the music theme, some of them look major and happy and some look minor and sad, some dissonant...etc, also they help you play your scale in every position on the fretboard in every given note.

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